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Energy Pattern Assessments

Ready for transformation? Start here.

These assessments will help you deeply examine your foundational energetic, mental, emotional, and physical patterns. Once you understand what's happening with your foundation, you can better decide what and how to allow transformation into your life. You'll walk away from this experience with energy shifts, understanding, and tools to support you as you move more deeply into your journey toward transformation. 


This experience is broken into two sessions. First, we work with your energy to gain insight into your patterns and how you can make shifts. The second session focuses on helping determine what you want your next steps to be along the road to transformation. These assessments can be done in-person or distantly.

Investment: $300*

*This is intended as a one-time experience to help you understand how to best move forward on your journey toward personal transformation. Any additional energy sessions or mentorship with Jen will be discussed at the second session.

About the Energy Work

My energy work is intuitive, and I let Spirit lead the way. I am trained in Usui Reiki and Shamanic Reiki, and I use many tools and practices from that training in my work.

Usui Reiki is a modality that works by tapping into the Universal Life Force Energy present all around us. It is a gentle but highly effective modality for stress relief and relaxation.


Shamanism is an indigenous-based perspective that focuses on nature-based and earth-honoring practices and spiritual connection to work with root imbalances.


Shamanic Reiki melds these two powerful modalities by harnessing the impactful Reiki energy and supporting root imbalance healing with shamanic practices.


Sessions can include energy work, intuitive card reading, shamanic journeys, past life exploration, and natural healing tools like stones, flowers, rattles, etc.

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